"I extend my sincere and profound gratitude to the 2024 SPE Canadian Educational Foundation (SPECEF) Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee for awarding me the SPE Calgary Section Scholarship. I cannot emphasize enough how humbled and honored I am to be a recipient of this prestigious Award.
As a dedicated and driven Master of Science student in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Alberta, my current research focuses on Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) through CO2 miscibility mechanisms. I hereby aim to sustainably utilize CO2 to benefit from the already produced and novel energy sources in Canada as well as in the world to meet the energy needs of the modern societies of the 21st century.
In addition to my studies, I am also currently serving as the Vice-President of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) University of Alberta Chapter. In doing so, I am leading and actively organizing different technical talks, conferences, and networking events solidifying the bridge between academia and industry that will lead to more education and awareness on the topics of Energy Stability, Energy Safety, and Energy Sustainability.
This award will substantially contribute to my success as a student by allowing me to completely focus on my studies and aspirations as a petroleum engineer. Added to that is the fact that this award will secure me a position where I will continue to work assiduously for the SPE community and the betterment of the energy industry of the world the same way Charles Dickens put it: “Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well; whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself completely; in great aims and small I have always thoroughly been in earnest”.
Mustajab Safarov
University of Alberta
2024 SPE Calgary Section Scholarship Recipient